Monday, December 28, 2015


This season for the Monster Mash Arbor futsal team has been a challenging one. We played in the Competitive Division with "Classic" teams who play together year-round, and the skill of these other teams led to some lop-sided losses. 

However another key contributor to our losses was limited players. This is a function of other commitments, vacation, etc, and was totally understandable. That is not to say that having a limited squad was not painful though. 

On the second to last game, our scarcity of players was particularly pronounced as we had only five players- the minimum needed to field a team-versus the other team's 10 players. This meant that our guys had to play all 48 minutes with no breaks or substitutions. 

In my experience, the team with more substitutions often beats the team with more skills, and our game that day was no exception. Yes, we did go on to lose, but not before our guys fought like hell and gave everything they had. There was blood. There was sweat, and there were even a few tears. At no point did our guys give up or stop fighting, and that was the true lesson of the day. It is easy to be bold and not capitulate when victory seems possible. It is another thing altogether to play like that when defeat seems all but assured. I hope these boys carry this lesson with them and remember that life is full of ups and downs. We cannot control the outcome of events. However, that does not mean that we cannot control how we react to those circumstances and that we give up. 

Courage apparently comes in all sizes!

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