Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Last week, another terrible act of terror took place in California. New evidence suggests that this was due to Islamic extremists who were acting on behalf of the religious fundamentalist organization ISIS.

Far too often, religious extremism has wreaked havoc in world history. There have been countless wars, massacres, and barbaric acts in the name of one god or another. It is enough to make one question whether religion is a force for good or evil in this world.

What would a world without religion look like? Well, there would be one less thing to divide us and force us into separate camps with intolerant world views. I am certain that this would not solve all of our problems, but might it be a start?

We will never know the answer because far too many people around the globe espouse deep-seated religious principles. I hope that they can come to understand that what is right for them may not be right for the rest of us and that violence is never the answer. Until then, we will see more bloodshed in the name of gods. May those gods forgive these believers because I certainly will never forgive them.

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