Monday, September 28, 2015


Recently, I started taking a class in Mindfulness based on the teachings of the American psychologist Jon Kabat-Zinn. I signed up for the class because it feels like each year is more challenging than the last. There are more duties and expectations at work and home but no more time per day to complete all these duties. In this situation, stress is created by the disconnect between what we and others expect of ourselves and the reality of what we are actually capable.

Kabat-Zinn's teachings remind us that the present - the here and now - should be our chief concern. We should focus completely on what is before us, rather than dwelling on what is in the past or becoming consumed by the uncertainty of the future.

This is easier said than done, especially when one is busy and feeling overburdened. However, I have found that focusing through meditation has had a significant impact on my ability to work and parent more effectively. The verdict is out on whether it will help my marriage.

There is so much beauty in our daily lives, but it is so easy to miss these moments when one is not fully engaged or when one is distracted. It is also easy to focus on the negative when one does not slow down and appreciate everything that is positive in one's life.

I hope I can continue these practices - not only because they make me more efficient, but also because they make me feel more connected with others and with my life. It is a significant time commitment to try to stretch one's brain through these techniques. However, it is really no different than an exercise or stretching routine that so many of us who are getting older already do on a daily basis.

So, here's a challenge. Turn off the phone and TV. Sit quietly and just focus on one thing - breathing -for ten minutes per day. I promise that this alone will not solve your problems, but it will certainly bring both your problems and their solutions into focus.

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