Saturday, November 8, 2014


Today the Arbor boys team Monster Mash did something they had never done before. They lost a match.

To remind you, last season we went undefeated, and we started this new season with a resounding 14-0 win. However, this week we played a much tougher team - Team Chaos - that featured primarily fifth graders, including two of the boys' Arbor classmates.

In the first half, our boys were visibly nervous. Our nervousness led to many errant passes and easy giveaways. Team Chaos pounced on those mistakes and made us pay. At halftime, we were down 5-1.

It was clear what we needed to do to turn this match around, and I instructed the boys to play more aggressive defense and to take their time making decisions when we had the ball. We quickly mounted a comeback and pulled to within one goal with 5 minutes left. However, we missed several chances and gave up the ball in our end. The final score was 9-7.

After the game, many of the boys hung their heads in despair and some were close to tears. I told them that I was incredibly proud of them and that they had given everything they had. One cannot win all the time, and sometimes the better team is the other team.

My boys tasted defeat today, but I know they will learn from this and bounce back. We will take one game at a time.

In the final game of the season, we have another shot at Chaos. This final match will decide the title if both Monster Mash and Chaos win the rest of their games. My money is on our boys who will surely come back from this win stronger and more resolute. Go Monsters!

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