Saturday, November 15, 2014


Today, Monster Mash returned to the court to play its first game after losing to FC Chaos last week. Before the game, I reflected on our prior game and defeat with the boys. I talked about how we started off tentatively last week and that we lacked confidence and control. I told them that if that if we played our best and focused that we could beat practically any team. I also told them that we should fear no team because we are in this together!

The boys appeared to hear these words, and we came back strong and defeated the Hurricanes 9-5. It was a great team performance, and every one of our players contributed to the victory. The game was capped off by a gorgeous play started by Nicholas at midfield. He passed to Quincy who made a darting run down the right flank. He crossed the ball to a surging Torben who scored with a beautiful back heel goal. Class!

What a way to bounce back! It is so great to see the boys playing well and having fun! I told them that that is the only thing that matters out there. Here's to Monster Mash!

Saturday, November 8, 2014


Today the Arbor boys team Monster Mash did something they had never done before. They lost a match.

To remind you, last season we went undefeated, and we started this new season with a resounding 14-0 win. However, this week we played a much tougher team - Team Chaos - that featured primarily fifth graders, including two of the boys' Arbor classmates.

In the first half, our boys were visibly nervous. Our nervousness led to many errant passes and easy giveaways. Team Chaos pounced on those mistakes and made us pay. At halftime, we were down 5-1.

It was clear what we needed to do to turn this match around, and I instructed the boys to play more aggressive defense and to take their time making decisions when we had the ball. We quickly mounted a comeback and pulled to within one goal with 5 minutes left. However, we missed several chances and gave up the ball in our end. The final score was 9-7.

After the game, many of the boys hung their heads in despair and some were close to tears. I told them that I was incredibly proud of them and that they had given everything they had. One cannot win all the time, and sometimes the better team is the other team.

My boys tasted defeat today, but I know they will learn from this and bounce back. We will take one game at a time.

In the final game of the season, we have another shot at Chaos. This final match will decide the title if both Monster Mash and Chaos win the rest of their games. My money is on our boys who will surely come back from this win stronger and more resolute. Go Monsters!

Friday, November 7, 2014


Today Cate and the kids from the Primary Den invited their parents to breakfast at a restaurant they called the "Marigold Cafe" in the school arena. The kids worked all week to make carrot muffins, fruit salads, granola cups, and mint tea. The parents were assigned the task of bringing in vanilla yogurt to go with these wonderful dishes and were told to bring their appetites.

Moreover, the kids made us feel very welcome. The drew menus and made place cards at our spots on the tables. They eve made clay plates for us in the kiln at Arbor. Amazing!

The food was great, and we had the best server in the world - Cate. She took our orders, checked in on us, and even cleaned up after us. I told her I would give her a tip tonight - ice cream anyone?

Arbor never ceases to amaze me, and I am so glad both kids are thriving their. The school motto is: Intellect, Character, and Creativity. Our kids are overflowing in those things, and Arbor has a lot to do with that!


It is hard to believe it has almost been 9 months since that fateful night when I broke my fibula playing futsal. I could not walk for 6 weeks but thereafter began the slow road to recovery with PT and gym work. Within 8 weeks post-op, I began to ran, and within 6 months I was playing pick up soccer. I even played on a coed futsal team this fall. For the most part, my ankle felt fine, but I began to notice more discomfort over the plate and screws. An x-ray revealed that the fracture was totally healed but that 2 of the screws were broken and others were loose. It was impossible to know for certain whether the screws and plate were causing my discomfort, but I felt confident that they were the culprit.

Yesterday, I had surgery to remove the hardware from my ankle fracture fixation.  It was a fairly straightforward procedure. The worst part was actually nausea and vomiting in the recovery room that was probably precipitated by dehydration from being NPO and the anesthesia.

Today, I feel great! There is a little discomfort and swelling over the incision, but otherwise I feel fine. My surgeon has instructed me to avoid running or jumping for the next month. However, I should be able to resume activities by mid-December and to resume soccer in January.

I am grateful and thankful for the miracles of modern medicine. If this had been 20 or 30 years ago, I probably would have just had a cast and might still be walking with a limp. However, the new techniques in fixation of bones has revolutionized the recovery from accidents like mine.

I will never take my health for granted again, and I have a much greater appreciation for the simple things in life, like walking. Here's to living life to the fullest ... without any metal on board!


Last week the Arbor Intermediate boys' futsal team began a new season.  This year, the boys are playing in the "competitive" division. That division is made up us more experienced kids who are playing in competitive leagues rather than recreational soccer leagues. I was somewhat worried about our chances because many of our boys play exclusively in recreational leagues.

However, the boys did not disappoint in our first match last week against Celtic FC, a competitive team from the Foothills Soccer Club. The boys of Monster Mash dominated the game and had the vast majority of possession. Every player, no matter his position, applied constant defensive pressure when Celtic had the ball. This forced many errors from the Celtic players that led to our counter attacks and goals. We ended up out shooting Celtic 25-5. The final score was 14-0.

I was amazed most by the cohesiveness of our team more than the "football" scoreline and shutout. Everyone was focus and played his heart out. They knew that they would rise and fall as one. Their motivation was clear - playing together and achieving something through collective effort.

I could not be more proud of the way they conducted themselves and the way they played the beautiful game. Their through balls, passing, and clinical finishing made me proud to be their coach. Indeed, I get goose bumps every time one of the boys addresses me as "coach." I will do my best to live up to their effort and talent. It is a privilege to be their coach.

Monday, November 3, 2014


This year Nicholas and Cate did not disappoint for Halloween. Cate decided early on to go as a knight. She recycled Eric the horse and wore him as part of her costume.

Nicholas was a little more undecided. However, he finally settled on the idea of being a cyclist. He borrowed my US Postal Service jersey from the Lance Armstrong days and wore a bike helmet and his black, tight long underwear. I joked with Kathleen that we should get him a few syringes labeled with "EPO" for the growth factor erythropoeitin Lance illegally took. Ultimately, we decided that that would be in poor form and skipped it.

Fun was had by all, and they both had a big haul of candy. Fortunately, they are both good at sharing with me. :)


This weekend Pumpkin finished up her season with her team the Jaguars. It was a great season, and the team grew a lot as the season went on.

Cate was a great role model for the other girls, and she helped everyone see how the game is supposed to be played. By the end of the season, many of the girls were making good runs and even dribbling the ball down the field to the correct goal!

Many of the parents on the sideline marveled at Cate's skills. They asked me how long she has been playing and how she got so good. I told them that she has been playing for 3 years and that we practice like she plays. Decision making, ball movement, and ball control are the key things on which we focus. It does not hurt that Cate is also the most coordinated and physically gifted child whom I have ever met.

Cate is moving on to another team this winter - futsal with a group of boys. I look forward to watching her exploits on the pitch, and I hope she continues to love this game as much as I love watching her play it.