Sunday, February 2, 2014


Nicholas is quite the soccer aficionado, and he has been playing on youth recreational teams for the past three years. He recently expressed an interest in playing "classic," or club soccer to improve his skills and play more competitively. Therefore, I signed him up for a local soccer development academy. 

When I did so I expected that the academy would simply accept young motivated boys like him who had the drive to improve. However, I did not realize that there is a trial process of selecting players until after I signed him up. I mentioned this to Nicholas, and he seemed unfazed. However, I was quite concerned by this prospect.

What if he was not invited to join the program? If he did make the team, would he lose his love for the game because of twice weekly practices and because he might be one of the less gifted players. 

In the end, I decided to put those fears aside. If Nicholas was not worried, why should I be? 

I look forward to his first session tomorrow, the player assessment. I know Nicholas will give it his all, listen attentively, and show his passion for the game. However things work out, I will be on his side, and he will have many more years of playing in our backyard, recreationally, or in classic! 

Viva Nicholas!

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