Tuesday, February 25, 2014


We found out late last week that Nicholas was accepted to the Portland City United (PCU) soccer development academy. His team is the "Hotspurs" or "Spurs" for short. The team name is taken from the Tottenham Hotspurs of the English Premier League.

This past weekend was his first game. The Spurs were missing one player, and so it was seven vs. eight. The other team quickly scored twice, and so the Spurs were down 2-0 early on. However, Nicholas scored two goals, and the Spurs salvaged a draw. What a comeback!

It is said that it is good luck to score on one's debut. Luck or skill, who knows? I am just happy that Nicholas is enjoying himself and that he will learn to play the beautiful game the right way from the ripe young age of eight!

Watch out Messi! Nicholas selected your number 10 for his player number!

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