Monday, September 3, 2012


They call Portland "the city that reads." To any of you that think this is hyperbole, Portland is the home to Powell's Books, the world's largest independent bookseller, and Portland has the largest number of people per capita with library cards.  I offer one other piece of evidence below that demonstrates how well-utilized our public library system is and how competitive our public library system users are. 

Today, approximately two hours ago on this Labor Day holiday, the New York Times writer Nate Silver announced his new book release.  Immediately, I went to the Multnomah County Library website to place this book in my queue.  What did I find?  Twelve other people had already beaten me to the punch.  Twelve people on a holiday within two hours!

I never thought I would rage against reading well or being well-read, but Portland, we've got a problem!

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