Saturday, May 26, 2012


Nicholas' class has been learning about the Ancient Greeks.  This is one of the favorite subjects in the Primary classroom, and it is for good reason.  The students learn about Greek Mythology. They sample Greek food. They learn the Greek alphabet. Finally, they also put on a Greek play.  For many students, like Nicholas, this is their first chance to act and perform in a play.

After several weeks of practice, the big day finally arrived to perform "The Golden Apple."  We picked up our programs, which had info about all of the actors and their interests.

Nicholas' bio is shown below.

Then, the performance began.

As you might have figured out, our little guy played Paris and married Helen played by the adorable Harper. Afterwards, we joked with Harper's family that we were glad that these two kids had found each other and that we awaited the dowry.  They said the farm animals were en route.

What an amazing and early introduction to the arts and literature.  I look forward to many more plays and many more years of watching Nicholas do his thing. Also, let's hope his eventual marriage is more calm than Paris' and Helen's- that one spawned the Trojan War!

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