Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Today was the first day of kindergarten for Nicholas Joshi Alumkal. He wore his backpack and carried his lunch bag. He also proudly showed everyone his "summer garden" that he grew (and decorated) over the summer. (Yes, he had homework and a reading list prior to the first day of kindergarten.) He is in a mixed age classroom with first graders called "old hands" and kindergartners called "new hands," and he was quite excited that his main teacher Lori will be joined by a boy teacher in training named Toby. He also met Vivek, the "old hand" from his class who will be his buddy, or "first mate" today. Yes, I know it is cute. Picture an eco-friendly Hogwarts, and then you will be able to visualize the greatness that is the Arbor School.

As you can see from these videos and pictures, today was filled with excitement, but they do not do justice to how happy we are and how proud we are of him.

I cannot think of anywhere else I would want him to be than here. Here's to the next 9 years!

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