Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Each night, I have the privilege of telling Nicholas bedtime stories. Generally, we do 5-7 stories in our bed. Then we go to the bathroom, followed by kiss mom goodnight, teeth brushing, and "one more" story when he is in his bed. This is my favorite part of the day. At heart, he is a mama's boy, so it is quite special to spend some one-on-one time together.

Tonight, with the backdrop of Barack's Inauguration in mind, I asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up... President? "No," he said, "I want to be an astronaut." I agreed that that would be a cool job. I went on to explain to him that whatever he decided to be, he would be his only obstacle and that hard work and talent (and good eyesight- sorry kid) are the means to success in this country. He then volunteered that he also wanted to be a voter. When I asked him why, he said he did not know and "because I want to." While I am certain that he is unaware that many parts of the world do not share our freedoms and voting rights (see Russia, Zimbabwe, Iran, Florida 2000, etc), I am quite certain that he appreciated the zeal with which his dad had followed and participated in our democratic process in 2008; Tuesday nights in the winter/spring meant primary returns or debates on MSNBC for dad and videos for Nicholas; turns out he may have been tuning in to more than Elmo on those nights. It truly was a year to remember, and it is clear that the significance of last year and today was not lost on Nicholas. 2024, here he comes!

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