Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I am not sure if I am alone here, but is anyone feeling as though the Obama administration has turned into business as usual (read 1992)? The campaign that was supposed to be about change looks more and more like the politics of the past. While I am a practical person, I do value justice. To that end, why is Lieberman still in the Democratic caucus with a committee chairmanship? I could understand waiting until the votes were back from AK, MN, and GA before making a decision, but to let him off like this seems rather ... political. The other thing I find unsettling is the fact that Hillary Clinton is poised to be our next Secretary of State. I did not work as hard as I did to defeat the Clintons in the primary after their disgraceful campaign only to see her (and by default Bill) elevated to such heights despite NO foreign policy experience. This reeks of Mike Brown and FEMA to me.

I have always been a very teleological person, but the journey to this victory seems a lot sweeter than the actual victory and its aftermath right now. Perhaps my expectations were too high, or perhaps it is too early. The next few months will tell the tale, but the likes of Rahm Emanuel, Hillary Clinton, et al leave me wanting.

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