Saturday, November 15, 2008


The New Yorker had a pretty inflammatory cover with Obama in a turban and Michelle with a huge Afro holding a machine gun this year, which prompted a letter from me. In it I wrote, "If we cannot look to the New Yorker for a biased, pro-liberal, pro-Democrat message, where can we look?"

They have redeemed themselves with this cover and the contents of the Nov 17 issue. Some amazing analysis on Campaign '08 and what lies ahead.

There were many times I thought about canceling my subscription- articles too long, I do not live in New York, no time to read during internship, residency, and fellowship, but I always thought doing so would be "selling out" or giving up on the right-brain part of me. This week, I was reminded why I kept my subscription. This is best issue I have ever read from them. Old Abe would be proud!

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