Monday, January 1, 2024


2023 was one of the hardest years of my life. We helped Nicholas navigate his college decision, which ultimately took him away from home. We moved him in. We encountered innumerable challenges at work due to staffing shortages and the refusal to address those shortages. I wrote 12 grants, many of which were over 100 pages. In sum, there was very little rest in 2023.

I had thought of rest as loafing or scrolling and not doing much of anything, but I learned on a new podcast episode today from the Atlantic that rest can be quite active and restorative. Exercising, taking mindful walks, pursuing one's hobbies - which I seem to have dispensed with in recent years - and connecting with others are all examples of rest. 

I had the chance to wish several friend groups happy new year today, and without fail I wished every one of them a restful 2024. I wish you the same!

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