Saturday, August 27, 2022


Today, Nicholas and I drove to Portland - Portland, Michigan - for him to take the SAT again.

Portland is 1.5 hours away, so we had to get up at 5:15AM in order to make it in time. Nicholas slept on the way, and his test was 4 hours, which gave me time to kill and think about a lot of things. 

It was fitting that I was so reflective since we were driving to Portland - the namesake of our old home.

Three years have passed since our move, and so much has changed. We are only now beginning to make friends and some roots, and the kids feel completely settled. Ann Arbor is a lovely place, but there is so much we have yet to see.

I had the very strange sensation when I was walking around Portland that Michigan finally feels like home. There has been so much water under the bridge and over the bridge with the storm of COVID and all its disruption. However, those experiences the past three years have made us stronger at home and at work. 

It is only through adversity and pressure and stress that true, dynamic change happens, and we have all changed in so many ways. However, what we all take from this move and its attendant challenges is strength - strength of character, strength of purpose, and strength of family 

I know that we would all be different people had we not moved - in good ways and in bad. I cannot predict whom we would have become, but I can say that I am grateful to have the life we do and to have such an amazing family to experience the past few years and live through this thing called life.

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