Friday, June 24, 2022


This month we witnessed the massacre of 19 children and two of their teachers in Uvalde, Texas. While the police confronted the shooter and were aware of his movements and location, they failed to intervene for more than one hour. There has been much discussion about how law enforcement dropped the ball but not enough discussion about why they failed to intervene and why our elected leaders have been so incompetent and derelict of their duty.

It is now clear that the police on site at the school were awaiting protective shields prior to storming the room because they knew they were outgunned by the shooter's assault rifle. Why these weapons of war are legal in this country, I will never know. 

Our elected leaders are far more culpable in my opinion because, like us, they have witnessed mass shooting after mass shooting without taking any action. This is unconscionable. 

This week the senate finally took action and passed an incremental gun safety bill. It does not touch assault rifles or high capacity magazines and does not offer the basic protections that the majority of Americans believe should become law. Tellingly, Canada reacted to our Uvalde shooting by passing strict gun control legislation because they do not want to live in a society like ours.

When the senseless slaughter of children, husbands, wives, brothers, and sisters ends, that is when we can call ourselves a civilized nation.

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