Tuesday, January 19, 2021


 One day more. 

Another day, another destiny. 

This never ending road to Calvary.

So begins the song “One Day More” from the musical Les Miserables set in the backdrop of the French Revolution.

Today is the last night of the Trump Presidency. However, it is not revolution we seek. Rather, we seek evolution and a restoration of dignity and sanity.

We lost many things these last four years - an appreciation for truth, democratic norms, cooperation, and common decency. These things were not so much lost as they were stolen away from us by Trump and his many enablers in the Republican Party, social media companies, and his many followers who prayed at his altar. They are responsible for the carnage that has been inflicted on us all.

One day more. Three words I thought I would never utter in the depths of despair of the past four years when my faith in the America people and our institutions sat shattered. However, this country and its people have a way of making up for its past, for making amends, and for righting wrongs. How else can we explain the salvation that was delivered to us last November 3rd?

I will hopefully sleep better in the days and months ahead. If I do, it will be because we again have a true leader in the White House, a man whose life has been touched by tragedy, pain, and loss far too often. As James Clyburn famously said in his speech nearly a year ago that saved Joe’s candidacy in South Carolina and beyond, “We know Joe. More importantly, Joe knows us.” 

That is why I believe we have arrived in this moment, the final night of Trump’s Presidency. Three hundred and six electoral votes worth of Americans looked at the error of our collective ways from 2016 and asked who can fix the damage that Trump hath wrought? The answer was clear, my President, Joe Biden.

Let those of you who are religious pray for his success, but let us all do everything in our power to make his presidency and our country fairer, safer, kinder, and more equal. Then and only then will our American promise be restored.

Good night.

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