Saturday, November 7, 2020


I am a little late to getting this post celebrating Cate's 12th birthday up, but the last month has been crazy - between a global pandemic and the election of our lifetimes in 2020. That said, I want to celebrate my girl who began middle school and turned twelve this year. 

This summer Cate decided to change her mind and attend middle school at Nicholas' school, Greenhills. This was a relief because Greenhills had done such a great job in the spring. Cate seemed fairly engaged in school after it started, but that excitement, that spark seemed to be missing. I was worried that she was becoming disengaged. However, Greenhills decided to allow one grade at a time to come in for 2 days per month of in-person school. Cate came back from her first day beaming about how fun things were and how she kicked several home runs in kickball. That is the girl whom I know and love.

The pandemic has tested us all. Cate has remained positive this year. It has helped that her best friend and his younger brothers live across the street, and they play all the time outside.

Cate has also built new friendships through soccer and futsal, and she continues to excel at both. Her skills and ability to make quick decisions are really quite remarkable.

In so many ways, Cate is thriving and growing and developing into a remarkable young woman. I often find it challenging to give her the space and independence she craves because to do so is an acknowledgement that she is growing up and becoming less reliant on us. However, that is exactly what one should wish for one's kids.

So despite a difficult move and an even more difficult year, it is clear that Cate is one resilient kid. We could all learn quite a bit from her example. I for one will try to coax her out of her room when I can - to watch Jeopardy or play a game or just spend time with her. But when she says no, I'll understand. That's the age we're in.

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