Saturday, September 19, 2020


Ruth Bader Ginsberg died last night after her third cancer diagnosis - most recently pancreatic cancer. She was a defender of justice and equal rights, and it is hard to imagine the Court every having someone as deeply committed to those without a voice than her.

There have been innumerable tributes to her, but I found this one particularly touching. It was written by NPR's judicial correspondent Nina Totenberg who became friends with Justice Ginsberg after many years of covering her on the Supreme Court. What a life.

While I was quite distraught at the thought of Republicans hypocrtically filling her seat before election despite denying President Obama that same privilege nine months before the election, I have now become more clear-eyed. We may lose this Supreme Court seat, but much more is at stake in the next 45 days before the election: the continuation of our democracy.

Ask yourself each morning: what have I done to turn back the tide and to preserve all that RBG and this nation stand for? There is so much work to do, and we have to start now.

One way to get involved is donating to organizations like ActBlue. I just gave them a donation today. Another thing several of our friends have done is to write postcards to voters. Writing is one thing I know how to do, and everyone loves to received mail...when the Post Office is allowed to deliver it.

Let's do all we can to pay tribute to RBG. Hopefully we'll say the country in the process!

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