Sunday, May 10, 2020


Cate has never been one for co-sleeping, or pulling into our bed. However, in the past few weeks since quarantine, she has become a frequent flier in our bed, which is thankfully a king.

I cannot explain what motivates this change. Perhaps it is the increasing number of movies - some of which are suspenseful - that we have been watching. Another more plausible explanation is that she - like all of us - is just a little unsettled by what has happened to the world and our lives during COVID. Fortunately, she does not kick like she used to, and she does keep the bed warm.

We have also taken this as an opporunity to read together, an activity that has been reserved for her and Kathleen. We finished "Tex" by S.E. Hinton, and we've moved on to "The Plague" by Camus.  I will miss this little snuggler when she decides to eventually pull out of bed. Until then, the middle spot is hers!

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