Monday, April 20, 2020


In this time of  COVID, we have all been forced to change our behaviors and live in very different ways. No aspect of our lives has been untouched by this virus and the response to it that is meant to keep us safe. All of us are looking for new ways to cope.

One of my favorite activities is listening to podcasts, and I am always on the lookout for something new that is either educational or comforting. Recently, I came across a new podcast from the New York Times featuring the writer Cheryl Strayed called "Sugar Calling," in which she calls some of her favorite writers and asks them what they make of this moment and how they are dealing with our new reality.

The first episode featured one of my favorite writers George Saunders who wrote "Tenth of December" and "Lincoln in the Bardo." As usual, George was completely uplifting, and he reminded me that there is no one I would rather be "stuck" with than the three other people in my house.

We'll all get through this, and being kind and caring to each other will make this time in self-distancing all the more tolerable and - dare I say - joyful.

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