Monday, April 6, 2015


We were back in Texas last week for Spring Break. It was a chance to catch up with friends and family and take a break from work.

We started off in San Antonio visiting my sister and my dad. It was great to be back in the land of beef enchiladas and the Riverwalk, and we even took in a Spurs game! The kids had a great time playing with Cousin Jasmine and Jinxy the dog.

From there, we headed to New Braunfels for a "pit" stop at Cooper's, one of the best BBQ joints in the world. The food was excellent, and we even stopped in for a cherry lime slush at Sonic afterwards!

Finally, we finished the trip in Austin. There, we caught up with my mom, brother, and my friend Kate. I was struck by how much Wells Branch, my old neighborhood, had changed. There is a beautiful trail system, library, active neighborhood association. They even put on an Easter egg hunt for the kiddos. Simply put, my old neighborhood is cooler than your old neighborhood!

The trip reminded me how much I miss my family and the place I grew up. However, the trip also reminded me that my life is firmly centered in Oregon now. My job, most of my friends, and so much of what I find beautiful in the world is right here. In short, my roots are here in Portland. 

Thank goodness for planes and vacations though that allow one to reconnect. Let me also remind the readers that flights not only depart from Portland to Texas. They also fly in the opposite direction! Next trip is on you family!

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