Monday, January 26, 2015


The other night, I sneaked away to watch the final episode of "The Honorable Woman" on Netflix. This is a BBC series about a British woman of Jewish ancestry whose foundation seeks to foster peace in the Middle East. The series is compelling on so many levels, including just how suspenseful and timely it is because of current events in the Middle East.

Nicholas came upstairs and found me. I told him I was watching an adult show that was not suitable for kids. He said he wanted to hang out. Again, I explained to him that I hoped to have some alone time and that we could hang out a little later. He began to get upset and said he had looked forward to hanging out. I then said, "Please leave."

Tears were shed, and Nicholas went downstairs. I felt terrible immediately, but I did want to see the conclusion of the show. It did not disappoint.

A few minutes later, I heard a sound outside the door and saw a piece of paper appear underneath. It was a hand-written note from Nicholas that is shown below.

Heartbroken. That is the best word to describe how I felt after reading this.

I found Nicholas and apologized to him. I tried to explain my point of view and that sometimes mommies and daddies need some alone time. He seemed to appreciate what I was saying, but he also said that I had really upset him. He said he just wanted to hang out with me!

I was so touched by what he wrote that I decided to write Nicholas a note the next day to more fully explain myself. That note is excerpted below.

After I shared this with Nicholas, I promised to be more kind and understanding. We hugged and hung out together the rest of the night. 

This little boy is my best friend, and I hope he and I remain this close for years to come!

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