Sunday, October 5, 2014


Spending time with Nicholas is one of my favorite things. Fun activities that we often do together include: watching soccer games, reading bedtime stories, or playing the mandolin. Even running errands is fun because the little guy and I have so much to talk about.

Today, we decided to walk to Whole Foods together to get some groceries and supper. On the way there, we talked about the top European soccer leagues and who we thought would win each major league. The dialogue was fluid, and each of us had our own observations and opinions to share.

We passed many people on our walk, and each individual or couple smiled at us as they passed. It was clear that they appreciated how much fun we were having and how special our connection was. Their smiles made me further appreciate how lucky I am too have a son like Nicholas who looks up to me and who wants to spend time with me. I realize that he will not always be this close by and that our interests may not always be this close, but I will enjoy this idyllic time with him while I can!

I was reminded of the special bond between fathers and sons later today when I watched the recent movie "Chef." The story centers around a once-famous chef who is a divorced father with a son Nicholas' age. The movie depicts the chef's mid-life crisis and how his son helps him forge a new path in life. I highly recommend it whether or not you have kids. However, those with kids will probably find it extra endearing.

Kids are precious not only because they come from us but also because their very existence as children is so fleeting. I am constantly reminded of the latter, which makes me appreciative of the simple pleasure of a Sunday afternoon walk with my guy!

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