Thursday, August 14, 2014


I went on summer vacation last week. This may not seem like news. However, I have spent the past three summers writing grants that prevented me from going on vacation. Since, my lab is in a good funding position currently, I decided to take a break this summer and forgo writing any grant applications.

In the past few years, Kathleen and the kids have traveled to Minnesota to visit her family in the summer. Oftentimes, they rent a house on lake up North, and the kids rave about how much fun it is. This summer was my first trip to the lake with them and Kathleen's family.

The rental house was modest but very comfortable and spacious. Importantly, the backyard led directly to the lake with a dock. This made water activities - swimming, fishing, kayaking, and canoeing quite easy. 

The kids spent a good deal of time on the lake with their cousins while I spent quite a bit of time just relaxing. I read two books, took many photos, and stared at the lake and my little people frolicking in it quite a bit.

More than once, I marveled at how relaxed I felt and how at ease I felt to be away. Sure, I still checked email and surfed the web on our spotty cellular and wireless connections. However, I also felt detached from work and attached to life and my family more than anytime in recent memory. Importantly, each day was simple and filled with communal meals, exercise, trips to town. There was no rushing about, no multi-tasking, no pressure.

For a few moments, I thought about what my life might be like in a small town like Nisswa, MN. I realized that there would be stresses or disconcerting aspects of living there, but I was also struck by how much simpler life would be. 

I am not ready to jump ship or leave the city, but this trip helped me to appreciate the value of focusing more on living life rather than simply jumping from one crisis to the next. 

Here's to summer vacation and recharging one's battery! I cannot wait for the next break, wherever that might be!

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