Monday, December 16, 2013


Every now and then a show comes along that pulls you in, that has you "binge-watching," and that leaves you feeling empty during the hiatus between seasons. For me, Homeland is the best television show I have ever watched.

There are a number of reasons that I find the show so compelling. First and foremost, the characters are exceptional. The protagonists are Carrie Bradshaw, a CIA agent played by the lovely Claire Danes, and Nicholas Brody, a former POW from the Iraq war who might just be a terrorist played by the British actor Damien Lewis. These two characters would be wonderful without the other, but their on-screen complexity rises to another level when the viewer sees their intertwined story lines and their chemistry.

Second, Homeland is a show for our age. Terrorism, secret wire-taps, and intrigue are all part of the life we live, or at least read about, in 2013. Indeed, Homeland's depictions of life amidst the "war on terror" feel almost pornographic. The action is past-paced with intrigue around every corner. The viewer is always kept guessing, and there are more than a few plot twists... during each episode.

Yesterday, was the finale of Season three. I will not spoil it for you. I will, however, encourage you to rent Season one from Netflix or iTunes. It will probably take you all of one week to watch the entire season. That is exactly how long it took me! Season two builds to a dramatic crescendo, and Season three lulls one to sleep… that is until the last few episodes when the show delivers startling punch after punch.

Homeland is a revelation. It is an escape from our daily lives into the lives of these characters' who are our contemporaries in this age. Watch at your own risk! You will not be disappointed, but you will become addicted.

Only nine more months until Season four...

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