Recently, I began watching the TV show Portlandia, and I can honestly say it is one of the funniest shows I have ever seen. Sure, the show is replete with inside jokes/references, but the appeal is much broader than the confines of the Rose City. In liberal enclaves throughout this country- think Cambridge, Brooklyn, Berkeley, Seattle- people like those depicted in the show exist and flourish with their farmers' markets, farm-to-table restaurants, and bike lanes. I, too, like all those things.
However, what draws me to this city and to this show is Portlanders' desire to be authentic and unique while at the same time respecting everyone else's right to want the same thing for themselves. I have lived in no other place that exudes as much independence, pride, or energy. People here, like me, are both particular and passionate about the things that interest them. The shows does a great service to that vibe.
The latest episode of the show began with an "Allergy Pride Parade." That says it all! While those with gluten allergies were celebrated, those with air, sun, and water allergies were also lampooned. Near the end of this segment, one of the hosts of the parade, played by one of the stars of the show Carrie Brownstein, inadvertently consumes a candy with dextrose, to which she has an allergy. She chokes and dies off-camera. Moments later, a hearse with her remains inside enters the parade, and she is eulogized. If you are not feeling it, you need to watch the episode for yourself. I was dying laughing.
There are far too many moments and characters with which I identify on Portlandia to list here. Portland, as the other main actor on the show Fred Armisen says, is where the young go to retire. Portland is also the place people go to savor every last bite of life in the flavors they like best. If you think of a town as a fast food restaurant, Portland would definitely be the local chain Burgerville- a locavore's paradise. Would you like to try a seasonal shake? Oregon hazelnut is currently in season.
However, a slow down and smell the roses riff on the motto of another fast food restaurant- Burger King- rings true in Portland: your way... whomever you are...eventually.
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