The other night we went to a get-together for the parents from Nicholas' class at a local bar. We talked about our kids, our interests, and where we were from. The conversation also drifted to the topic of admissions, and one of the kids' dads said his favorite story about the director of admissions, whom we all love, involved Nicholas and the first day of school.
Shortly after Kathleen and I left on that first day, the children gathered for circle time, a morning ritual. That morning this dad and the director of admissions were also in attendance. Nicholas was visibly concerned about something and reportedly kept looking around the room at the other children. This prompted his teacher to ask him what was wrong.
Without missing a beat, Nicholas said, "My mommy and daddy told me that there were only supposed to be 18 kids in my class, and I count 21!" The admissions director put her hand on the dad's shoulder, smiled, and gave him a look that said "you win some, you lose some" before walking out.
Two hours later, I was still chuckling from that story, and I am surprised that no one had told me it previously. I emailed that dad later that night and thanked him for sharing and for making my day. What a school and what a kid!