In the kitchen, while our nanny Grace, who was assigned to drop him off at said camp, cut up a peach for his breakfast, Nicholas took me aside. He said, "Dad, please come over here!" Then, he whispered in my ear, "Dad, do you think you can remind Grace what time zoo camp starts, so I will not be late?" I, in turn, whispered, "What are the hours of zoo camp?" He whispered back, "9 o'clock to 4 o'clock." I told him I would take care if it and then casually said, "So Nicholas what time does that camp of yours start?" He replied, "9 o'clock, daddy." I re-iterated the start and stop times and said that that was over 2 hours away and that I was certain that Grace would have him there on time. With that, he ate up his oatmeal and peaches with a big smile on his face... while flapping his arms...
In case you were wondering whether day one of camp was a success, Nicholas could not stop talking about his day on the way home. Apparently, he is quite certain that he will be a zoologist one day and that he will "focus on ostriches." I would not bet against it!
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