Friday, December 18, 2009


So how do I know my son will be a zoologist one day? Let me set the scene for you!

5:45 AM on a cold, dark morning in Portland, OR. Our minor character (aka me) is in the bathroom shaving and getting ready for an early meeting at work. There is a knock on the door.

Nicholas (having just awoken): Excuse me! Daddy!

Me (opening the door): Yes. How may I help you?

Nicholas: How do the zookeepers get the polar bears into their cage? How do they check on them once they are in there without getting hurt?

Me: They likely give them a shot that helps them sleep. Then, they move them into their new home or they do their examinations on them.

Nicholas: Oh... okay. Thanks dad!

Now do you understand the junior version of Jane Goodall that we have on our hands?

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