Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Most days I drive Nicholas to school and drop him off. Invariably, NPR is turned off in favor of a CD (that is until he is dropped off and before he is picked up). Although he is only 3, Nicholas has already developed distinct musical tastes, both in the music he likes to play and the music he enjoys listening to. I have pretty excellent musical taste myself, and it seems to be rubbing off on him. He likes Jeff Buckley, Eddie Vedder, Bruce Springsteen, Feist, etc. In addition, he remembers the tracks which are present on various mix CDs and the track numbers. Mind you, he is not looking at a jewel case for the track numbers and song titles as these are mostly MP3s, and he is not controlling the stereo. He seems to have an amazing memory for all things musical and animal... and pretty much everything I can think of.

Yesterday though he asked me, "Who sings Viva La Vida?" I was a little perplexed as he has certainly heard that song many times and knows Coldplay's stuff. I told him it was Coldplay, and he quickly responded that he thought the singer was Chris Martin, who just happens to be the lead singer of Coldplay. Now you see what we have on our hands. Viva Nicholas!

1 comment:

Kate said...

Musical savant.