Sunday, March 17, 2024


We enjoyed Nicholas's visit home for spring break, but - once again - our time together went by way too fast.

I continue to be amazed by this young man, who has such an amazing head on his shoulders. He has navigated the first two-thirds of college without incident, and he has thrown himself into so many pursuits- his classes, home basketball games, the school radio station, the school television station, and the school newspaper. 

During his return home, I noticed a more mature, more thoughtful, and more grateful person than I had known before. More and more, I look to this young man as a guide for how to be and how to carry myself in this world.

I can't wait to see him again in May for a nice three month stretch. Until then, I will relish this past week and think about just how proud I am of my boy - correction- my young man!

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