Wednesday, October 25, 2023


Nicholas was back this month, and so we decided to head "Up North" to northern Michigan for a few days. We decided on Petoskey at the recommendation of the novelist Ann Patchett, who has spent quite a bit of time in that area.

It was a 3.5 hour drive, but the company in the car with Kathleen and the kids made the drive go by quickly. We took in the sights in Petoskey on a cold, rainy first day. We had soft pretzels, bought candy, and stopped by one of Ms. Patchett's favorite independent bookstores, McLean and Eakin.

We had a wonderful supper in town and then retired to the hotel for a nice night in comfy beds.

The next day we had an amazing brunch at the aptly named Maple and Batter complete with pumpkin pancakes of course!

Then, we went on a beautiful hike outside Charlevoix to witness the fall colors. It was breathtaking!

We'll cherish this weekend until the next family vacation!


"Hidden Brain" is one of my favorite podcasts, and I always enjoy the new insights on psychology or behavioral economics that the guests share. This week's episode focused on gratitude was particularly good.

I have always thought of myself as a grateful person, and I try to express my gratitude generously. The psychologist Thomas Gilovich from Cornell expounded upon the many ways gratitude can be a positive force in life. Indeed, we seem to derive joy from receiving gratitude from others and bestowing gratitude on others. Moreover, witnessing others express gratitude to other people is also life-affirming for us. This speaks with how important kindness and truly seeing and appreciating people are - especially in today's culture riven by animas and enmity.

I am grateful for so many things in life - far too many to list here - but especially my family, my friends, my career calling, and my health. These are not things to be taken for granted, and I will try to remember to be gracious during my good days and my bad!


Recently, Cate turned 15! Yes, 15! It is hard to believe that we have had 15 years with this sweet child. She has grown to become an independent, driven, and focused young woman, and we could not be more proud of her.

There is quite a bit of nurture in addition to nature when it comes to children and whom they become. Fortunately, Cate has always had great role models at school and in Nicholas, and we try to do our part, too. However, I cannot take credit for her athletic skills, her dedication to pushing herself in her pursuits, and her willingness - as she has aged - to adapt and try new things. Who would have thought broccoli would be one of her favorite foods and that she would become a dedicated walker and runner starting at age 14!

I love spending time with Cate and will cherish the time I have left with her under the same roof. More than a great daughter, she is a great companion and friend. I love you, Catey bug!


Dani Rojas from "Ted Lasso" famously said, "Football is Life!" Our lives definitely resemble that remark with hours of watching soccer played by professionals or our kids.

Sometimes one is lucky to witness a masterpiece, and that is just what Cate's team the Michigan Tigers gave us in the Michigan State Cup Final, a resounding 6-1 victory! 

The team has played well this season, but this game was next level. Cate had a beautiful goal and 2 assists, and she completely bossed the midfield. I cannot wait to see what else this team achieves the rest of the season, but for now we will savor this big win!

Congrats campeonas!