Saturday, February 26, 2022


This week, without provocation, Russia invaded the sovereign nation Ukraine. This was a stunning move on so many levels. First, Russia created false narratives in attempt to convince their own people and the world that Ukraine were the aggressors. Their explanations ran counter to what any sentient person saw with their own eyes. Every step of the way, the U.S. and the west countered these lies and shared all the intelligence information they had detailing Putin's plans. Those intelligence reports turned out to be completely accurate.

On Wednesday, February 23, 2022, the invasion commenced from all directions. As I write this, the fighting continues and the Ukrainian capital is still in Ukrainian control. In a stunning move, President Volodomir Zolenksy explained to the nation that he was target number one for the Russians but that he would not flee. He encouraged all Ukrainians to stay and fight and take up arms. This show of strength was such a contrast to what we have come to expect from our leaders based on the politics of our current age. My heart breaks for the Ukrainian people, and the New York Times has had some particularly heartbreaking reporting from on the ground.

Though it is natural for us to feel helpless in this situation, there are things we can do to support Ukraine. Many organizations, including UNICEF, the Red Cross, are accepting donations. You can also contact your local conpressperson and senator and implore them to provide maximum sanctions and pressure on Russia. If you are religious, pray, hope, and talk to those you know about what is happening. We are also witnesses to this act of war. What we make of this moment and what we learn from it so that it does not happen again will be the measure of this moment.

I hope the angel in the square in Kyiv watches over its people, and I hope that our leaders, the Ukrainian people, and us may be strong like the Ukrainian trident and end this war and bring peace back to this innocent nation.

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