Thursday, July 8, 2021


In the past few weeks, Nicholas and I have settled into a new routine in the evenings. We retire to his comfortable, new king bed so we can watch soccer matches from the European Championships or the Copa America tournament or we watch a soccer pundit show called ESPN FC on his laptop.

I feel so lucky that he and I share the same passion for soccer, a passion we cultivated together first as players when we learned the game at the same time back in 2010 during the World Cup, then as coach and player when he played recreational soccer, and finally as fans of the beautiful game, including watching him play on his club and high schools teams. 

At this point, Nicholas' soccer knowledge has far surpassed mine, but fortunately he does not mind talking about the game and watching it with his old man. I learn so much about the game, the players, geography, old ethnic hatreds, and definitely how to pronounce player names from Nicholas!

This weekend we have the Championship of both tournaments, and surely lots of screen time on his laptop watching the pundits weigh in afterwards. I can't think of what else I would rather be doing!

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