Monday, May 25, 2020


Since COVID hit, sports of all kinds - professional, kids, adult recreational - have all been shut down. Given the challenges we face in public health and the economy, this may seem like a small thing. However, sports are more than a part of many of our lives. For me, sports are about suffering, adversity, resilience, community, common cause, triumph, and never giving up. Simply put, sports are life.

This American Life, one of the pre-eminent podcasts of our time, broadcast en episode about sports this week entitled, "Time Out." It might just be my favorite episode from them and features four stories about sports and what they meant to different people's lives. I will let you guess which is my favorite (Hint: it involves a father's and son's shared love for a game with a round ball)! After you listen to the podcast, check out a short video about segment number three and a father's passion for soccer, even if only "imaginary soccer."

These stories felt like a salve on a wound or a burn where healing and recovery seem very far off in the distance. I will relish these stories and memories of sports events that have moved me until sports are back in full.

That the German Bundesliga is back in action and that European soccer is set to resume soon gives me hope that it might be safe to begin some of our normal routines. I pray that things go smoothly for these players and for all of us who want to get back to life and sports.

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