Thursday, November 22, 2018


On this day, Thanksgiving Day, there is so much I am thankful for. First, I am constantly amazed by my family. My mom, dad, and brother, and sister may be half a continent away, but they are always in my thoughts, and I feel their unconditional love. My friends are such an important part of my life, and I am privileged to have friends from my time in Portland all the way back to friends from middle school. They, as much, as anyone, helped to make me into the person I am today. Finally, Kathleen, Nicholas, and Cate are the most important people in my life. They give me purpose and make me reach beyond my capacities to set an example for them. In the end, it is people who make life worth living.

I see patients with deathly illnesses everyday and study cancer, so I am constantly reminded how important health is. I have had minor medical issues and may one day face a major illness, myself. Until then, I am grateful for my health and for the ability to do the things I wish to do unimpeded.

Work brings much joy and meaning to my life, and I am so thankful for my teams and colleagues at work. They are the ones who make difficult experiments and transformational discoveries possible. I am so lucky to be a part of my community.

There will always be challenges and disturbances in our lives and our world and terrible presidents! However, we are living in one of the greatest eras in human history. We should remind ourselves of that during the low times. Life is not perfect, but we should strive to appreciate the good in the world while trying to improve the less good (see Election 2018)!

Everyday could be Thanksgiving, if we can only remember that Day. Hug those whom you love a little closer, be a little kinder, try to make the world a little better because life is truly until further notice.

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