Tuesday, December 19, 2017


This past weekend I saw the new film "Lady Bird" directed by the actress Greta Gerwig. I have enjoyed Ms. Gerwig's films for sometime and that is why I was so excited to see her semi-autobiographical directorial debut.

The movie did not disappoint, and I felt myself traveling back to high school during the 90 minutes of the film. The main character, Christine is played by the wonderful Irish actress Saoirse Ronan. Christine goes by the self-appointed nickname Lady Bird and is a girl on the verge - on the verge of college, adulthood, and sexual awakening. She navigates situations that are fraught with conflict and complexity and somehow manages to do so with her integrity and sense of self intact. This is no small feat for an adult, let alone an adolescent.

The movie reminded me of how difficult that time in my own life was and also how I did not truly recognize or appreciate the Lady Birds I grew up with. Looking back, I now realize that I knew countless women like Lady Bird. Had I taken the time to look around, I would have realized that they were just like me- resolute in their ideas of the world and trying to navigate the land mines of growing up. If I had seen them, I think I might have had a very different childhood and felt less isolated. However, while life is best understood backwards, it must be lived forwards. For that reason,  it is never too late to think about all the people we encounter each day who may be more like us than we realize. Here's to all the Lady Birds out there!

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