Wednesday, April 12, 2017


This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend the end

- Jim Morrison

After a complete drubbing at the hands of Juventus in the UEFA Champions League last night, I can think of no more fitting tribute to this Barcelona team than these words.

It is hard for me to describe in words what a thrill ride the past seven years have been with this club and these men. They say that love at first sight is a cliche, a superficial notion. "They" do not get it.

For me and soccer, there will always be pre-2010 and post-2010. In that year, I first witnessed the magical play of the core of the FC Barcelona team during the World Cup in South Africa. The way these players pinged the ball all over the field and the way they lulled their opponents to sleep with sustained periods of possession reminded me of a bullfight. That Spain, the national team these men helped to shape, won its first World Cup that year was beyond just, and that team's performance over 3 weeks that summer made me a fan for life.

Shortly thereafter, I began to follow FC Barcelona. Watching them week in and week out that first season, I was repeatedly blown away by the players mastery of the game, and the way they imposed their will on any opponent. At the helm was Pep Guardiola, a former Barca ball boy, former Barca player, and now Barca coach. For him, it was not just about winning; it was about winning in style, and style they had in abundance.

In the past seven years, I have seen this team win countless trophies, come back against all odds, and perform miracle feats on an every three day basis. However, like me, these players have aged. With aging has come wisdom and experience but also a diminution of focus, speed, and wizardry. On Tuesday night in Turin, we ostensibly witnessed the culmination of that decline as Barca were outclassed in nearly every aspect of the game. That the final scoreline was only 3-0 was a miracle, and all cules were glad to see that more damage had not been done.

How did we get to this place after seven triumphant years? There is no one answer. Rather, a multiplicity of factors have led to the slow deterioration of this club-the one thing in life I love nearly as much as my family.

Poor recruitment of players surely has played the biggest role. Indeed, it was fascinating to see the lineup that was chosen yesterday, which including 5-6 players no longer worthy of being Barca starters. That the bench was without depth due to dubious player purchases only compounds the problem.

Coaching has also been a significant issue with no real philosophy. The model of pass and move, possession, and midfield dominance are all in the past, and Barca 2017 are truly unrecognizable from the 2010 version I fell in love with.

Since this team's decline is complex, there is no magic bullet or solution. However, fans, players, coaches, and management must take a hard look at where we are now, how we are playing now, and how far we have fallen if we are to reverse this trend. A new coach is certain as the current coach already announced his departure from the club several months ago. New players will be necessary-in defense, in offense, and in midfield. Heroes muse be given send-offs or front office positions, and a new generation must be given its chance. While the faces may change, I hope that the structure and the philosophy of winning the right way and being mes que un club (more than a club) will re-emerge.

This does feel like the end of an era. But let's not lament what we have lost. Rather, let us remind ourselves of what these players have given us-love, excellence, inspiration, and above all belief that greatness is a collective effort. I feel like I am at a wake, but the life of the one who has passed has been full and has brought me and countless others joy. For that, I am grateful tonight even as I say goodbye to an old friend.

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