Friday, January 20, 2017


Sometimes a book comes along that really grabs you with its characters and its story. "Commonwealth" by Ann Patchett is one of those books.

I have loved Ann Patchett's writing ever since I read "Run," but "Commonwealth" is truly her finest. The books tells the story of two families thrown together by the infidelity of the mom of family #1 and the dad of family #2. Along the way, the children experience the fallout of this "shotgun" marriage, and their lives are changed in drastic ways.

At its core, "Commonwealth" is about disruption, disorder, and the messiness that comes with being in a family. Apparently this book was based on Patchett's own experiences, but the books resonates with anyone who has experienced messy, drawn-out family experiences. The adage "one cannot live without family, but one cannot live with family" is certainly an apt description for the book, and I cannot recommend it highly enough.

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