Monday, June 15, 2015


One of the toughest tickets in town every year is the Arbor eighth grade graduation ceremony. This is because space is limited and because the event is so darn moving. That is why we were so gratified to receive an invitation in the mail from Cate's eighth grade buddy Elena.

At the event, each graduating student gives a speech with content of their choosing. It is amazing how each child has something different to say about his/her experience. Some children talk about where they started off and the person whom they are now. Others mention their favorite experiences at the school. Uniformly though, the children thank the head of school and founder Kit Abel Hawkins. They know that without Kit, Arbor would not exist and that their experience would not have been so magical.

For the parents in the audience, the day is quite bittersweet even if one's own child is not graduating. As I heard the children's speeches, I could not help but reflect on the five years that have passed since Nicholas joined Arbor. In nearly every way, these graduating seniors were a reminder of how ephemeral childhood is. Perhaps that is why I was moved to tears so many times during the ceremony and why I found myself hugging Nicholas in a little more closely as the event wore on.

At the ceremony, many kids encouraged their kindergarten buddies like Cate who were in attendance to appreciate how special Arbor is. Many of the graduates like Elena specifically thanked their buddies and told them how special their relationship with them was. This was not just because the kindergartners are so small and sweet. Rather, in many ways, the kindergartners were a reminder to the eighth graders of how they, too, entered this school full of innocence and naivety and how much they, themselves, had grown in the past nine years.

Afterwards, I gave out countless hugs to the graduates whom I knew and to their parents. Before we left, I found Kit. I looked her in the eye and merely said, "Thank you." No other words were necessary. Afterwards, we hugged, and then we departed.

That day, more than any other, I realized how lucky our family is to be a part of this community and to have such an amazing group of teachers, staff, and students to help our kids grow.

I do not envy any medical school that tries to recruit me away before Cate graduates from Arbor. Jobs are interchangeable, but graduation day reminds me that Arbor is truly one of a kind.

Sunday, June 7, 2015


Most days our greatest dreams are crushed by the harsh reality of the world. That is why Barcelona completing the treble - winning the Spanish League, the Copa del Rey (domestic Cup trophy), and the UEFA Champions League - yesterday was so sweet. Indeed, no team has ever won the treble twice in its history, but that is exactly what Barca achieved yesterday!

This was an exceptionally long road to Champions League glory this time for Barca. Barcelona won its first European Cup, or Champions League title, of this young century and the second in the history of the club in 2006. In 2009, the team won its next Champions League title in Pep Guardiola's first season. Like this year, Guardiola's Barca won the treble that year. Two years later, Barca again hoisted the trophy in Wembley for the club's fourth Champions League title. However, Barcelona was a spectator during the Champions League finals in the past three seasons. Last year we did not even reach the semifinal of that competition and finished the season without any trophies at all.

This season, we started with our fourth coach in four years, Luis Enrique. This instability and an early, slow start left many observers wondering whether Barca would go trophyless again.

However, this team was not about to finish another season empty-handed. Indeed, the team went on a blistering run of form in the second half of the year. In total, Barca ended up winning 50 of its 60 matches in 2014-2015, a staggering result.

They were not always easy victories, and the team relied on a new style of play and personnel to achieve many of those victories. Perhaps that is why this season feels so very special. What we achieved, we achieved in an entirely new way - part possession-based football with a nod to our past but every bit counterattacking football, too.

Certain stars did shine more brightly this season - particularly the frontline trio of Luis Suarez, Neymar, and Lionel Messi (SNM aka "Show No Mercy" as they are known). However, this was a team in every sense of the word. Our defense improved and became more organized and less vulnerable under Enrique. Pique and Mascherano returned to their previous, exceptionally high form. Jordi Alba and Dani Alves also improved their defensive work rate. Further, the Croat Ivan Rakitic entered into the starting midfield rotation while Xavi Hernandez, the greatest attacking midfielder ever, took on the role of super sub.

Unlike their rivals Real Madrid, there was no infighting amongst this team, and Pique has called this Barca team the most unified locker room he has played in. Indeed, selflessness and service in the name of the team permeated every aspect of this team's play and on-field success.

Despite our exceptional collection of players, it was never going to be easy winning the UEFA Champions League - the toughest club competition in the world. Indeed, en route to this title we vanquished the domestic league champions of  Holland, Cyprus, England, France, Germany, and Italy. Those results, including a compelling win against Italian champions Juventus in the final, make this trophy that much more sweet and deserving.

We will not see another team like this ever again. Indeed, Xavi Hernandez is retiring from the club, and Dani Alves may also leave. There are rumors that the coach may go, too. Because how exactly does one top a season of perfection like this one?

It is for all these reasons, that this triumph by Barca reminds one to enjoy the highs in life and to not lose sight of the beauty in everyday victories, both large and small. This sentiment was best summed up by Ivan Rakitic in an interview early in the season where he described his goal. To paraphrase him, he said, "We do not want to win every game. No one can do that. However, we do want to win every trophy available to us!"

Well said Ivan and well done Barca! Simply the best!

Monday, June 1, 2015


My love for all things Barca is well-known to anyone who reads this blog. However, increasingly, Leo Messi is becoming more central to my adoration for that team.

This past weekend, he helped Barca secure its second trophies in as many weeks with a brilliant display in the Copa del Rey. The first of his two goals was quite possibly the best goal I have ever seen him score, and I have seen about 300 of his goals. I am pretty sure that the commentator agrees with me.

On that first goal, Messi's foot skills were astounding. However, Messi's ability to also dribble at such a fast speed and to bamboozle his opponents was something truly special.

Let's hope that Messi brings his magic to Berlin this weekend where the Champions' League trophy awaits. The Treble awaits us, and I would not bet against Messi the Genius.