Thursday, May 7, 2015


Nicholas participated in tryouts for a Boys U11 "Classic," or competitive team this week. We were told in advance that this was going to be challenging and that not all kids would be selected. Nicholas was unfazed by this fact. This was quite remarkable since I knew many parents whose children told them that they were too afraid of rejection to even try out.

Nicholas came back from each of the two sessions happy and more confident than when we dropped him off. We were not sure if this was delusional or simply healthy. After the final tryout, we were told to check our email in the morning to see the final decisions.

When I woke up this morning, I found Nicholas downstairs drawing as he often does. However, he did not ask me to check the email or inquire if I knew the status of his acceptance or rejection. I gave him a big hug and told him that I thought he was a world class player and son. I told him that I was proud of him no matter what the decision by the club was. He smiled and went back about his business.

Later this morning, I did receive an email from the club. Nicholas was selected to join the team!

When I returned at the end of the day, I told Nicholas about his acceptance. He was excited.

I asked him how he could be so confident that he would be accepted. He replied that he did not know if he would be accepted. However, he knew that he had tried his best and that he thought his best would be good enough.

I hope he always maintains this same sense of self-confidence without becoming cocky and that he also maintains such a high level of self-worth. Win or lose, accepted or declined, I love this boy like no other.

Here's to Nicholas!

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