Tuesday, March 3, 2015


This weekend Kathleen and I saw the film "Still Alice." The movie is about the struggles of a college professor named Alice with early Alzheimer's disease. Julianne Moore play Alice, and she deservedly won the Best Actress Award for her performance.

I was touched by Alice's descent into forgetfulness and mental feebleness. This was especially troubling and sad because so much of Alice's identity was tied to her intellect and her academic achievements. This was akin to a professional footballer losing a leg. However, one can live without a leg. One cannot live without one's brain.

After I left the theatre, I felt lucky to be alive and to have my full mental faculties. I realized that these things can be taken from me in an instant by disease or by an accident. I pledged to live in the present and to be thankful for what I have and what I have achieved. It is easier said than done to keep this up, but I will do my best.

Go see "Still Alice" and see what you think!

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