Sunday, February 22, 2015


Tonight, the kids and I watched the Oscar ceremonies. I was hoping for a big night for "Boyhood." However, things did not go according to plan.

"Birdman" cleaned up in all of the major categories, including Best Director and Best Picture. Many predicted this outcome. However, I am still stunned as I type this. This is because I still believe that "Boyhood" was the best picture of the year by a large margin. In fact, "Boyhood" is my favorite movie of this Millennium so far.

The losses tonight by "Boyhood" made me feel like I do when my kids do not succeed in their  activities - gutted. Perhaps, that tells you how much this movie meant to me and so many other people who identified with both the child and the parents who grow up in front of our eyes during the course of the film. What a shame that this work of art was not recognized.

The Oscars reminded tonight that one does not need a trophy to validate one's work. In fact, the craft of making something that touches people's lives - whether that is a film, book, or scientific discovery - is valuable in and of itself. I hope Mr. Linklater remembers that tonight and tomorrow and in the coming days. I know I will even more because of this harsh verdict by the "Academy."

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