Thursday, October 2, 2014


I think it is clear to all who have ever witnessed her play that Cate is an exceptional soccer player. Cate is playing "up" one year on an under 7 year old "U7" team. The other girls range in talent from "picking daisies" to "engaged. Cate is on the far end of the latter spectrum.

Last weekend, I filled in for Kathleen as the assistant coach of the team. For the games, both squads are divided into two. At half-time, the squads switch and play the other opposing half of the opposing team.  I had the pleasure of coaching Cate in the first half. If I had to pick one word for her performance, it would be imperious. She scored all 9 goals for her team in a mere 24 minutes and was all over the field helping out defensively and playing the role of midfielder in addition to "number 10, " or forward. The other team was held scoreless. In the second game, she scored nine more goals and led her team to another resounding victory.

This girl does not cease to amaze me, and the other coaches were quite impressed, too. At one point. the coach of the opposing team who was a woman said, "I think he's a boy. That must explain it." To this I responded, I can assure you Cate is a girl!" Dumbfounded, the coach picked up her jaw and swallowed her pride.

It is hard to know how far Cate may go and whether she will continue to be passionate about the game and head and shoulders above her peers? Some have said she is the next Mia Hamm, the greatest female soccer player of all time. I have even called her "Mini Messi" after the world's best player Lionel Messi. However, Cate is her own person and will achieve her own rewards on and off the field. As her father and as a football fan, there are few things that give me more pleasure than watching her play. Go Cate!

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