Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Today, I gave out some good news in clinic, but I also had to give out some bad news. My patients' reactions to the bad news made me wonder how I would feel if I were in the same position.

"The average patient in your situation lives three to five years." I could not imagine having such a short time frame left especially with a five year old and eight year old whom I love more than anything on earth. That would mean no graduations, no weddings, no grand kids. In short, it would mean missing out on the most important things in the lives of the most important people in my life.

"Treatment is generally effective for one and a half years." I cannot plan one and a half days ahead let alone one and a half years ahead. However, plan one must when one is faced with such a stark prognosis. One patient decided to quit his job. Another patient has decided to take the motorcycle trip to Europe he had always dreamt of. One man's suffocation is truly anothers' liberation.

"Prostate cancer is a race. However, it is not a 5K, a 10K, or even a marathon. Prostate cancer is a crazy 50-100 mile ultra marathon. There will be starts and stops and ups and downs, but we will run this race together." I would want my oncologist to be on my side if I had cancer. That sense of fraternity is something I try to impart to my patients. I may not be the best co-pilot, but I will not abandon ship... ever.

Just a few thoughts from today's cancer wars...

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