Sunday, April 27, 2014


It is no secret that racism is alive and well in our world. The problem is particularly prevalent in European football.

Today, fans in Villareal's stadium threw a banana on the pitch as Dani Alves, a dark-skinned Brazilian defender from Barca prepared to take a corner kick. This was not the first time that Dani had been subjected to this type of abuse or monkey chants unfortunately.

However, this time, Dani responded with an act of defiance that rang around the world. He did not storm off. He did not complain. He did not get in a fight with the bigoted fans. Rather, he picked up the banana, pealed it, and took a bite. Then, he proceeded to take his kick.

What was to follow demonstrates that there is justice or fate or divine intervention. Prior to the incident, Barca was trailing. However, Dani and the team upped their game further. Dani scored two goals that went in off Villareal players - so-called "own goals" and Leo Messi added a third for a 3-2 comeback win.

What a fitting result!

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