Sunday, April 27, 2014


It is no secret that racism is alive and well in our world. The problem is particularly prevalent in European football.

Today, fans in Villareal's stadium threw a banana on the pitch as Dani Alves, a dark-skinned Brazilian defender from Barca prepared to take a corner kick. This was not the first time that Dani had been subjected to this type of abuse or monkey chants unfortunately.

However, this time, Dani responded with an act of defiance that rang around the world. He did not storm off. He did not complain. He did not get in a fight with the bigoted fans. Rather, he picked up the banana, pealed it, and took a bite. Then, he proceeded to take his kick.

What was to follow demonstrates that there is justice or fate or divine intervention. Prior to the incident, Barca was trailing. However, Dani and the team upped their game further. Dani scored two goals that went in off Villareal players - so-called "own goals" and Leo Messi added a third for a 3-2 comeback win.

What a fitting result!

Sunday, April 20, 2014


Last week was one of the toughest weeks in Barca's history. First, they were eliminated from the European Champions' League. Next, they lost a league game, which may have effectively ended their hopes for a league title. Finally, they limped to defeat against the eternal rival Real Madrid in the Spanish Cup final.

Those of us who have been following the club closely this season were worried about lack of intensity and focus. However, none of us could have predicted the catastrophe we witnessed last week.

The impotence of the Barca players was shocking, and many cules around the world hung their heads in disbelief. I nearly lost my voice yelling at the TV, which scared off my kids from watching the games with me.

It took me a few days to fully appreciate the depths to which my favorite team of any sport of any era had sunk. There was plenty of blame to go around, and it was hard not to be disappointed in the players, the coach, and the board that runs the club. These losses were so complete, that many signaled that this represented an end to the era of Barca dominance. I must say that I agree with this assessment.

As I reflected on the state of the team, I did not feel despair, however. I took this moment for what it might be - an opportunity to revitalize the squad, the staff, and the board. We need new blood. We need to end this era and began anew. I also reflected on the utter joy that this team and these players have given me and countless fans around the globe these past four years.

My mind drifted away from these three defeats to jaw-dropping moments of brilliance: 1)The 5-0 win over Madrid in 2010, 2)the 2011 Champions' League final win over Man United 3-1 at Wembley, and 3) the 4-0 remontada against AC Milan last year. These are but a few of the amazing football displays these men put on that I will never forget. One can also add to that list the 3-1 win over Zaragoza and 4-0 win over Granada that I saw live at the Camp Nou. I realized just what this team has meant to me and what a central role this team has played in my life.

Even if this era is over, it does not mean that the team cannot recover. We should waste no time and begin to write the next chapter and start a new era.

In the meantime, win or lose, we should enjoy these players and moments of inspiration that they turn out on a weekly basis. They truly are a special group that may never be matched again.

Here are but a few of my favorite moments.

Visca Barca!

Saturday, April 5, 2014


I have been thinking more and more about resilience and perseverance ever since I was injured six weeks ago. There is no one answer for how to overcome life's challenges. However, looking beyond one's self and one's troubles is certainly a start.

In this vein, I read a wonderful Op-Ed by the Indian-American author Akhil Sharma in the New York Times today that echoes this same sentiment.  You can read it for your self here

Whether it be prayer, kindness, or meditation, do whatever you need to do to get through life's challenges  If you are lucky, this strategy will not only help you survive. It will also help you thrive in this, our one and only, life!