Sunday, January 12, 2014


For the past three years, I have been playing "pick-up" soccer most Sunday mornings. I play with a group of mostly guys and a few gals at a nearby turf field at a school park. The level of play is fairly high, but there is no slide tackling or cheap fouls. Everyone has a great attitude, and these games are the highlight of my week.

I enjoy these games for many reasons. First, it is a great chance to improve one's skills while playing against much more capable players - many of whom have been playing their whole life.  I have come a long way since I worked up the courage and showed up to play one Sunday morning in 2010 after being inspired by the World Cup. I have also made some great friends on the pitch, many of whom also play on my futsal team and who have taken the time to work with me one on one to improve.

Each week after the game, Cate and Nicholas always ask me about how I did, how many goals I scored, etc. I always fill them in, but today Nicholas got to witness the game firsthand. This was because Kathleen was taking Cate to a birthday party, and Nicholas did not want to go. She dropped him off at the field, and he quietly stood on the sideline. I subbed out of the game and gave him a big hug. 

The game was still pretty competitive at that time, so I thought Nicholas was just going to be a spectator. However, my friend Ferki, who was playing on my team, encouraged Nicholas to put on his boots (cleats) that Nicholas had brought along with him in. Within, minutes, Nicholas was running onto the field and joined my team - the Red team for the red shirts we were all wearing.

I instructed Nicholas to play forward with me as a "number 10." The number 10 in soccer position-speak denotes a player who plays right behind the center forward, or number 9. The number 10's job is to attack in a coordinated fashion with the number 9, and the 10 is often a big goal scorer. Messi is a number 10. Enough said.

Nicholas was up to the task, and he scored seven goals! I think I assisted at least four of those, but he also had some beautiful slaloming runs and cuts to score a few of his own. 

After the game, we went for chocolate milk and coffee at a local Peet's Coffee, and we both reveled in our great performances that day. He is already plotting his return, and I, for one, look forward to many more games with my perfect 10.

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