Wednesday, September 4, 2013


This week, Neko Case released her new album, "The Worse Things Get, the Harder I Fight, the Harder I Fight, the More I Love You." While it has been four years since her last album "Middle Cyclone," this album was well worth the wait.

Her album is all the more refreshing because of the foolishness that currently monopolizes radio airtime [think Miley Cyrus, Robin Thicke, et al]. In stark contrast, Neko sings about the juxtaposition of despair and beauty that is ever-present in our world. She has the ability to capture moments in life that demonstrate the frailty but vibrancy of life like few artists, and that is what I love most about her songs.

No doubt her songs are colored by her own upbringing (or lack thereof) and recent battle with depression. Emotive is the word I would use to describe her songs more than any other, and the new album is no exception.

One song in particular completely blows me away. That song is called "Nearly Midnight, Honolulu," which Neko sings a cappella. I cannot do the song justice with my words, and I suggest you listen to it. Better yet, I suggest you buy the song and the album.

I am not sure yet whether "The Worse Things Get, the Harder I Fight, the Harder I Fight, the More I Love You" belongs in the class of "Middle Cyclone," one of the finest album of the past decade. However, Neko's new songs are quickly growing on me. Stay tuned!

It just so happens that Neko will be performing in Portland on Sunday, and I just snagged some tickets. Pics and musical memories to follow!

Good night and thank you Neko for reminding me of the beauty that is ever present in our world despite all our travails...

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